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Feb 23, 1938
but found him out of town. C.J. came over and we had lunch together & went to a show. I went to Out of doors writers banquet & had a good time. Took train for Washington at 3:18am.
Feb 24, 1938
Arr Washington at 800 am & went home for a bath and clean clothes. Came back to office and was in office all day. Home & dress for the Bureau party which was a wow. I had a grand time & I think most there did too.  Home at 200 AM
Feb 25,1938
At office all day. Busy on many things in lull and didn't see much of the staff. At home in evening for a bit with George Tonkin and then out to see Couches for a while.
Feb 26, 1938.
In office a bit in the morning and then with Horn to Beltsville. Saw a lot of progress on works. Little stone cottage about finished, Machine shed up & inclosed. Barn foundation completed barn gate installed. Core fill well along & pile driving about to start. Snowdon hall remodeling well under way basement dug for laboratory and road ready for graveling. Home with Horn to dinner.
Feb 27, 1938.
Lazy morning & I slept late. Worked a while in garden planting bulbs with Jean. Clara & I  & Grace Gail went out in afternoon to see John Ballas