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Mar 28, 1938
In office all day general office work & conferences with various people.  Home in evening tired out but feeling good.  At Club in evening.
March 29, 1938
More rotten personal matters broke today than on any other day in the Survey since I've been chief.  Its included final action on Gubser, Norton & Bert Smith and report of a new one on Bynum.  Worn out when night came.  The Muries out for the evening.
Mar 30, 1938
In office again more personal grief.  It certainly has hit in bunches lately.  Dr. Fisher & Bert Smith out for dinner.
Mar 31, 1938
In office again all day on a very messy job.  Had more trouble than a setting hen over some of the work.  Mostly small staff.
April 1, 1938
In office all day.  A great deal of little things but the quietest day for weeks.
April 2, 1938
At home all day digging in garden.  It rained some but not enough to interfere with some works altho it was too wet to weed or dig.  Cut lawn - dug out old shrubs etc. Went to party for Al Day and had a grand time.
April 3, 1938
Again it rained but I did get a little work done. Not much however.  Made up some birds & fixed up basement a little