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April 4, 1938
General office work.  Not so much grief and I got a great deal of work done.  Worked all day on many small moths.
April 5, 1938
General works again.  Much business but not any of immense importance.  Went to Fechmers party at Mayflower & had a grand time.
April 6, 1938
In office all day.  Many small things and we were glad to stay home one evening.
April 7-38
In office all day and took 3:45 train to New ork with Lincoln & Judge Williams arriving at 8:10 pm.
April 8, 1938
In court all day in Brooklyn attending Flanders Club case. Rotten job of lying done by Flanders Club folks.  I'm sure thru with them.
April 9, 1938
In court again and then to lunch with Clara June & then home arriving at 9:40 after taking the Judge home.
April 10, 1938 At home planting rhododendruns and then with Leo to Plummers Island.  Came home & dressed for dinner and went to have lunch with the Broadwater kids.  Had a fine time. Came home about eleven.