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April 26,1938
Came home and took the kids for a ride & returned Henry Davis' book.  Then worked on my book until midnight.
April 27, 1938
In office all day.  Many things none of them bad but tiresome.  One of the most strenuous days I've yet had.  President Byrd, Dr. Swains and Lee LeCompte came in to discuss things with me particularly at Bettsville and the possibilities of research work out there next year.  Henry Baldwin Ward also in crying about Barry Locke leaving Issak Walton League and wanting some one to replace him.  Home in evening and again worked on my book all evening had to go to office after some dope.
April 28, 1938
Had a very busy day again.  It seems that every day has its problems and it keeps me on the jump. Came home a bit early and worked two hours in the yard.  Had the back yard looking very fine tonight but I suppose [strikeover]] it will be all ragged again when Clara gets back.  Weeds & grass grow like the devil this kind of weather everywhere except in my front yard where I want some results worked on the book until midnight and found that I made real progress.  Have two chapters gone over now and I think one much better shape than before.