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April 29, 1938
Again in the office all day.  Came home & worked more on the book & then to Al Days for dinner. Home at 10:30 PM & worked until 1:30 on the book.
April 30 - 1938
Stayed home & worked hard on the lawn & flower beds until 3:00 PM. Iris & I went out to the nursery and ordered a weeping willow tree and a maple.  When we arrived at home Clara had just returned.  We stayed at home all evening.
May 1, 1938
Worked in yard all morning.  Cleaned up & had dinner about 3:00 PM & then Clara & I went over to see the U.P. people who were so nice to us before.
May 2, 1938
In office all day.  Had a hectic day & didn't get back to the Club until seven.  Saw a number of people.  Home at eleven.  Henry Davis stopped and got the ms for a Plant Hunter book at American and took it to Philadephia with him.  Clara & I went for a ride.
May 3, 1938
In office all morning on many things and there to Senate hearings in afternoon. We had a very friendly audience and had a nice hearing but little time as we had no resubmissions of money but only change of language. [[end page]]