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May 4, 1938.
[[strikethrough]] at [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] [[Urchens?]] place leaving house at 530 am. Hot & muggy lots of birds atho saw few warblers. Back home at 930 am and too office for many small matters. Home at 630 PM & worked over my paper all evening.
saw following birds.
1. Flicker (1)
(2) Red bellied woodpecker 1
(3). Turkey Buzzard 2
4. Crow Several
5. Blue Jay 2
6. Meadowlark 2
7. [[strikethrough]] Blackbird [[/strikethrough]] Bluebird 2
8. Robin 20
9. Orchard Oriole (2)
10. Prairie warbler (4)
11. Maryland Yellowthroat 2
12. Yellow Warbler 1
13. Red eyed Vireo 1
14 White eyed Vireo 2
14. Cedar Waxwing. about 100 about a holley tree that was simply red with berries still on. Rather late for such an enormous crop to be still hanging. 
16. Mockingbird 4
17. Calbird c
18 Brown Thrasher 4
19. Tufted Titmouse 1
20. Chipping Sparrow (c)
21 Field Sparrow 4 or 5
22 Goldfinch 2
23. Indigo Bunting 1