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May 6, 1938
Made the spring bird census with Callum & his gang.  Left home at 4:00AM and returned at 9:00 PM.  One of the most beautiful days we have yet had for the trip. Vegetation far advanced and the foliage plus a stiff breeze made tree top vision poor.  Warblers also scarce & apparently ahead of schedule.  Black polls were the most common of the migrants and they are usually the latest.  We had an amazingly good list considering the fact that there were 8-12 warblers missing which might have been seen under normal conditions.
1. Common Loon 2*
2. Great Blue Heron 25*
3. E. Green Heron 18*
4. Black crowned night heron 3*
5. American Bittern 4
6. Blue winged Teal 5*
7. Ring necked duck 1*
8. Lesser Scaup 4*
9. Hooded Merganser 1*
10.American Merganser 2*
11. Turkey Vulture 20*
12. Black Vulture 2*
13. Sharpshinned hawk 1*
14. N. Redshouldered hawk 2*
15. Osprey 2*
16. E. Bob white 10*
17. Ring Necked Pheasant 1*
18. King Rail 3*
19. Killdeer 10*
20. Woodcocks 2
21. Wilsons Snipe 1
22. Spotted Sandpiper 18*
23. E. Solitary Sandpiper 14*
24. Greater Yellowlegs 4*
25. Least Sandpiper 2*
26. Ring billed gull 1 + 57*
27. Laughing gull 1*
28. Least Tern 17*
29. E. Mourning Dove 20*
30. E. Whip poor will 1* heard
31. N. Barred Owl 1*
32. Chimney Swift 130*
33. Ruby throated Hummer 2
34. E. Belted Kingfisher 3*
35. N. Flicker 8*
36. Red bellied Woodpecker 5*
37. E. Hairy Woodpecker 1
38. N. Downy Woodpecker 8*
39. E. Kingbird 75*
40. N. Crested Fly Catcher 6*

Transcription Notes:
As you will see an * appears after some count numbers but not others, I have no idea of the significance of this.