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May 7, 1938.
In office all day until about 3.00PM when I came home & worked in the office here & a bit in the yard.

May 8, 1938
In house working on papers of various kinds & then up to island for the big shad bake.  Dr Fisher did himself proud.  I came home early & went with Clara to the Couches.  We took the kids to a show & then visited.  Leo seems to have given a good account of himself in handling the eastern Wash situation.

May 9, 1938
To House[[?]] de Grace to see Col Wesson of the Aberdeen proving ground.  He certainly wants his duck shooting & wants it bad.  Makes a touchy proposition.  Then saw Leo Moore & came home.

May 10, 1938.
Before congressman Robertson's committee all morning.  Saw Paul Appleby in P.M. etc.  Certainly a busy day.  Lunch with Carl & Ding and then back to the office. Home & to a picnic in the zoo with the Walkers.  Had a lovely restful time & then home.  Worked a while at the desk.

May 11, 1938.
Spent a hectic day in the office on many things, home tired in the evening.  Worked a while in evening.  Saw Ding for a few moments.

May 12, 1938
In office all day.  The Army Conference blew up in Inerinity[[?]] because Driver & Miller