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May 12, 1938 Cont.
couldn't be there.  We were busy all day on many other things.
Worked at desk until 1.30A.M.

May 13, 1938.
Spent most of day in office of Ringland etc there with army engineers, congressman Driver, Senator Miller, etc on White River matter.  In afternoon Ed. Cavanaugh came in for a while.  To Lotus with four other couples for a dinner & dance.  Sepp[[?]] home

May 14, 1938.
In office.  Raining a bit but I'm afraid not enough to help lawns etc. very much.
During the afternoon it got down to business and I had a grand time loafing.

May 15, 1938
Out to Beltsville for a picnic.  Had a cloudy cool day and enjoyed it very much.  The work is progressing nicely. Snowden Hall will soon have plastering all done.  The labratory[[sic]] is partly roofed. Sheet piling for dam is driven.  Ponds ready for Hotchkiss and he is planting them & basement is being started for Morley's house.

May 16, 1938.
In office all day & certainly had a hectic day if ever there was one.  Don't know that I accomplished a lot tho.  To Club in evening.

May 17, 1938
In office all day.  Worse than yesterday if that's possible.  Tired when night came and home to go to bed.