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May 18, 1938
In & out of office all day & had a hectic time but finally got away.  Clara coming down & taking me to the train.

May 19, 1938
On train all day and Iowa looked good as I traveled along.  Met by Burnie & Milt Furness at 10.30 & visited with them a bit before going to bed.

May 20, 1938
In office all day.  Had a little luncheon with a group of duck hunters & talked in evening to a group in high school.

May 21, 1938.
In office going over matters with Gillett, Furness, Miller & Maurch.  Out with Furness to dinner & then caught the train at 2.00AM for Denver.

May 22, 1938
Arr Denver 9.30AM.  Eloise met me as Leo was sick in bed with a flu or something.  Loafed in morning & went out in afternoon to see Mrs. J.A. Tracy.  She wasn't home but I saw Bonnie and her little daughter who is a dead ringer for her as a baby.  Saw Paul & Ethel & their kids.

May 23, 1938.
In Denver office all morning and at a meeting of Game Commission at 11.00AM.  Had a fine visit with them but didn't accomplish a hell of a lot.  In afternoon out with Bob Needcock[[?]] & A.M. Bailey to see a mountain plover