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May 23, 1938 (cont)
Saw young snow geese in park.  Much like Canadas but duskier & with much shorted & stubbier bills.  Saw a [[underline]] creamy white meadowlark [[\underline]] as we went out, and did see two [[underline]] mountain plover [[\underline]]..  One flew into a small depression & picked some sort of scarabaids from grass for several minutes.  Acted somewhat like a killdeer and also something like a barlianncin[[?]] sandpiper.  She flew back up the hill & we followed finding a nest with three eggs.  Much like killdeer setup, nest & eggs.  Back to town & to Darleys for dinner.

May 24, 1938
Left at 6.00AM with Leo for Billing's Mont.  He drove like the old harry all the way & we made it by 6.30PM.  Enroute I picked up a [[underline]] vesper sparrow [[\underline]] which he hit, a [[underline]] brewers sparrow, [[\underline]] a [[underline]] kingbird [[\underline]] and a [[underline]]poor will,[[\underline]] all in good shape & all savable.  Skinned them in Billings after ten P.M. after seeing Kenneth MacDonald for a short time.

May 25, 1938
Went to Great Falls and saw Louis Wendt, George Hopkins & several others & then to Helena.  Had a meeting of the group and succeeded in discussing various Bureau matters particularly stressing the need of cooperation, loyalty and respect for other agencies.  Saw Price after the meeting & had a talk with