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May 25, 1938
 him about cooperation but don't think I got anywhere.
May 26, 1938
  Met with game commission, wild life group and sportsmen in the morning.  Got my punch in first and the Butte crowd didn't really get going.  Met with commission in the afternoon and presented our proposition to them.  They were very favorable but the Butte crowd showed up when they became sort of worried.  In evening talked to various boys until midnight.
May 27, 1938
  Again saw various people including Mr. Phillipps sec of Livestock assn & the lady who is sec of wool growers.  Then took off for lake Mason.  Saw the well there flowing about 3/4 second feet per day & already making a pretty fair lake.  This is a storage lake for Lake Mason proper a sheet of about 1200 acres.  This lake will store 750 acre feet for offset for evaporation.
  Saw a few birds mostly pintails, shovellers, mallards & Blue winged teal & on into Billings.  Saw a darned good movie of coyote chasing & asked Buleman to send it [[out?]].  Steen & I caught the midnight train into Dickinson. 
May 28, 1938
  Met by [[Marcels?]] & Terness at Dickinson at 8.00 AM.  Talked to Johnson the regional man for B.A.E. at Dickinson about the land purchase program.