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May 28, 1938 cont.
  We first visited one of Stiens easement projects White Lake near Amidon IV.8.  I remember this as an alkali flat of no value to anyone.  Now it is full to spilling capacity and has a surprising duck population.  Lots of shore birds mostly [[underline]] Wilson Phalarope [[\underline]] & [[underline]] semipalmated sandpipers.  [[\underline]]  Ducks were [[underline]] Mallard, Spoonbill, Pintail, blue winged teal, scaup & gadwall. [[\underline]]  Saw a few [[underline]] avocets. [[\underline]]  Will be much better as vegetation develops.
Then to Stewart Lake south of Amidon.  This is a fine project.  [[underline]] Spoonbills, Blue winged teal, pintail, gadwill, Eared Jubes [[\underline]] in abundance.  About 100 acres of marsh & water & will be doubled when area is filled.  A very fine small area.
  From there we went over to see the proposed purchase area in the bad lands and it is a peach.  It is all [[One?]] old National forest area on both sides of Little Missouri.  Has an abundance of water & [[browse?]] & should be fine for antelope, deer, grouse etc. & there are some fine duck possibilities in the area also according to Burnie.
  From there we drove back to Dickerson & up to Lake Ilo near Dunn Centre.  This is a very pretentious project.  It has about 27 feet of water at the spillway & lacks only a foot of going over the spillway.  Contains about 1230 acres of water, about half of which in shallow area.  It is [[stually?]] an