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May 31, 1938.
A remarkable incident occurred at Upper Souris on May 29 which I failed to record on that date.  A jack rabbit sitting on a little point perhaps 100 yards from us had his avenue of escape cut off by our driving up the dike.  We stood there watching the birds for some time without apparently disturbing the rabbit.  (Munch, Steen, Furness & Dougall).  Suddenly he took off across the marsh jumping in great leaps thru the water & making the spray fly.  It was an unlearned performance judging from the speed picked up when the animal made the land.  How did the rabbit know how deep the water was? or that he could run thru it.  
Left Minot at 7.00AM & drove to Lower Souris.  Out to see 320 & the sand hills.  
Saw several [[underline]] Bairds Sparrows [[\underline]] & collected on and four [[underline]] Spragues pipits [[\underline]] one of which was also collected.  The males surging higher in the air sounded to me like a faint high pitched version of a [[underline]] Hermit Thrush [[\underline]] song.  It had the same weird quality.  Saw an interesting part of the sand hills including lower & cabin.  Back to headquarters for lunch.  Then on our way.  With Steen.  
First visited [[underline]] Lords Lake. [[\underline]] A marshy lake only partly filled with water but which has a good stock of ducks, great goose & ducks hunting area formerly now one of our easement refuges.
[[underline]] Willow Lake [[\underline]] in the Turtle Mountains has a very neat cabin & garage for