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May 31, 1938 (cont)
patrolman laborers.  The lake itself is a first class waterfowl lake.  Lots of marshy shores.  1250 acres of water between 4000-5000 acres of land.  Saw [[underline]] teal, Mallards, scaup & shovellers [[/underline]] in a few moments.  Didn't have time to stay long.  Beautifully situated with aspen on shores.  Also has white tailed deer and ruffed grouse on area.  Stein says we also have two smaller lakes in Turtle Mts.
Starting at Rock Lake at the [[town?]] of Rock Lake is One Big Coulee chain of refuges.  Rock Lake, Brumba, Snyders & Lake Aux Mortes (Lake Alice).  According to Stien this is a great flyway and one much used by the snow & blue geese on their northward trip.  His idea was to furnish fresh water all the way down the Coulee some 75 miles and to have enough permanent lakes so as to cut down the loss of young birds by allowing them a chance to get to permanent water before the pot holes & ponds dried up before they were on the wing.  All the main channels as well as tributaries have innumerable pot holes & ponds on them.  In their order from North to South they are as follows.
[[underline]] Rock Lake. [[/underline]]  A long narrow marsh, with comparatively little open water at this stage, lots of [[underline]] ducks & Black terns. [[/underline]]  Needs about 20-24 inches to fill when it will be a winding marsh of some two or more miles with some open water.  Has a diversion dam & dike that adds [[75?]]square  [[?]] to watershed.