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May 31, 1938 (cont)
[[underline]] Brumba Lake [[/underline]] some 5 miles further down the coulee.  Has deep water at dam and lots of birds.  It's full of water now.
[[underline]] Snyder Lake [[/underline]] a beautiful marsh at upper end with fine open water at lower, needs 24-30 inches yet to fill.  County has 160 acre recreational area about dam which will furnish fine nesting cover.  Bath houses only improvements.
Lake Aux Mortes (Lake Alice) has a little log cabin, garage, toilet and boat house.  Very neat and in same place as [[?]]lake.  3500 acres marsh which will be filled by dike & ditch which prevents water from flowing away to the eastward.  Has numerous islands & if ever filled to capacity it will be a dandy.  Believe it & Long Lake are far ahead of Jim & Arrowwood Lakes as a refuge.  
From there into Devils Lake for dinner, a bird ge [[skinwick?]] & to bed.

June 1 - 1938
Le Devils Lake about 9.00AM. and travel east to Grand Forks.  Stopped enroute to look at Lords lake a small easement project which will find its chief value in furnishing permanent water amid all the surrounding county pot holes.  Then to Ardoch Lake a 1200 acre project.  [[underline]] Pintails, Shovellers & Scaup [[/underline]] seemed to be the most abundant.  Saw what I was sure was one pair of [[underline]] Snow Geese [[/underline]] at a distance.  Neat little cabins already completed & ready for use also a garage and boathouse