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June 1, 1938 (cont)
Some evidence of bulrush and other aquatics.  Quite a few breeding ducks.  Dam & structures in good shape.  Also stopped at Kelleys Slough and looked over structure - water going over both spillways.  Good breeding area on the slough and a lot of birds.  Thence to Fargo. 
We arrived 1 1/2 hours late owing to bad roads.  Tonkin was awaiting us and he drove me to Winona.  We left Fargo at 8.30PM & arrived at Winona at 4.00AM & went to sleep until 8.00AM.

June 2, 1938
Inspected Winona warehouse and dock-office and had lunch at Steele's.  Then took a boat & made a trip down the river practically 100 miles to Prairie du Chien Wis.  It was a revelation to see the vast area of marshes on either side of the stream.  At the head of each pool is a patch of unbroken timber good habitat for [[strikethrough]] ducks & geese [[\strikethrough]] deer, coons etc.  All timber above the 3 foot contour above pool level has been saved.  Around the lower end of each pool a great marsh or series of marshes is in the making.  The ultimate effect will be a well balanced area containing marsh, & woodland upper & providing a great variety of cover conditions.  Saw some Mallards & some Scaup along the channels.
Had a meeting with the boys at Prairie du Chien & found them a good bunch.  Gave them a little talk about the Bureau.