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June 9, 1938
In office again on various office details.  Saw Wilson of V.P.I. - Creek of Nevada, Mrs. Fox of Fur breeders etc.  Also talked to Russel of Ga on the phone etc.  Saw Couch & Bell & Jackson on the things at Missouri & decided to withdraw the unit from there.  Home & worked all evening at the desk on various matters.

June 10 - 1938.
In office all morning and Clara met her folks at train in evening while I went home with the others.

June 11, 1938.
In office all morning & home to work in the garden.  Mowed the lawn & pulled weeds all afternoon.

June 12, 1938
Out to Beltsville with Dad, Mother & Clara.  Great progress at Beltsville buildings.
Lab enclosed except for slate on roof which is ready to go, Snowden hall well along, fence of barn up, dam progressing nicely & new picnic ground well along.

June 13, 1938
In office all day many small things & busy day getting ready for Migratory Bird Commission meeting tomorrow.  Tired when night came.

June 14, 1938
M.B.C. meeting went off fine.  Present Owen Chapman, Sec. Wallace, Mr. Leach & Cong. McReynolds.  We got thru with a wonderful bunch of headaches and got authority to handle