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a lot of business that has previously had to go to commission.

June 15, 1937.
Alaska game laws are going thru OK with minor amendments.  Got $60,000 added to deficiency bill for refuge, administration Ag bill carries all additions put on in both house & Senate also the $1,000,000
Saw Pittman for a good visit today.

June 16, 1938
General work & study of reports of committees in preparation for Ashville meeting.  Meetings all day with the Regional Directors & division chiefs.  Party at Crouches for Birdcall.  Had a swell time & felt I deserved a break.

June 17, 1938
Worked with Regional Directors all day on various matters.  Home at night completely worn out.

June 18, 1938.
In office all morning.  Clara, Leo Lahths[[?]] & I left for Ashville at 2.00PM & drove thru to Danville at 10.30PM, stopping enrolee at Lynchburg for dinner.  Saw two [[underline]] Bartramian Sandpipers [[\underline]] about a mile apart on the fences just north of Culpepper near the little town of Inlet.  They are the first I've ever seen in Virginia.

June 19, 1938.
Left at 9.00AM at Mt Mitchell Game Farm at 4.00PM. and found we were first to get there.  Willis Robertson