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June 24, 1938 (cont)
rock.  Also saw the biggest bear track I've seen in last.

June 25, 1938.
Skinned two birds.  Very clumsy with a sore finger.  Rained most of morning.  Out in Pisgah area in afternoon & collected my first [[underline]] Carolina Junco, [[\underline]] two more Cairns Warblers, a Scarlet Tanager & a Pine Warbler.

June 26, 1938.
Loafed all day in rainy weather.  Visited with Gordon, Holland etc.  All left by 4.00PM except Chalk & Clara & I.  We had a nice visit with him.

June 27, 1938.
Left 8.00AM & drove all way home with no trouble except intermittent showers, arrived at 7.30PM and found the kids well & happy to see us.

June 28, 1938.
At office to find a mass of work.  Spent a large part of the day in conference with the regulations committee.  Worked until 5.45 & Clara came after me.  Went to visit Leslie McNarvan[[?]] and then worked on papers for a long time.

June 29, 1938.
In office except for attendance at liaison board meeting & conference with Eisenhower when we discussed the proposed colored plate thing on ducks, the new flood control bill and the