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July 6, 1938.
In office & worked all day again on this business.  Got it over to Blaisdell[[?]] in afternoon.  Wrote rough draft for the Country Gentleman story in evening.

July 7, 1938.
Again worked all day on many small matters clearing the desk of everything & getting it up to date.  P.W.A. looks rosy bright and unless something goes wrong we will be in the clear on these construction programs.

July 8, 1938
It went wrong & we are back where we started again.  Well that's the way it goes.  We will start over with it again.  We did get the money to complete Beltsville.

July 9, 1938
In office all morning working on WPA & PWA stuff.  In afternoon pulled weeds - clipped lawn etc.

July 10, 1938
Out to Beltsville after working a while in the yard.  Had lunch & supper there.  Couches, Paul Miller, Carl Shoemaker & wife, Cecil Del[[?]] & Barre[[?]], Jud Kline, Dave Alyward, Hugh Terkines, & Ernest Walker had another picnic.  I hiked around over the place until I was all in but believe we accomplished a real job in selling the refuge program.