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July 11, 1938.
In office all day.  One of the hottest days I ever saw here in Washington.  Accomplished very little.  In evening out to Mort Palmers.  Had a lovely visit.

July 12, 1938.
In office all morning.  Very busy day.  Staff meeting with the gang about several things.  Lunch with Irving Brant.  Out to Carl for dinner.

July 13, 1938.
In office.  Attended meeting of laison board and had lunch with Secs crowd.  Worked all day on various matters and had a busy time.

July 14, 1938.
In office again.  Clearing up my desk of varous business.  Had it in good shape when evening came.

July 15, 1938
Rush & bustle of getting regulations to the President who is away fishing.  Had a good time in evening at home.  Henry Davis & wife over for dinner.

July 16, 1938.
[[strikethrough]] In office all morning, worked in yard all afternoon & had it in fair shape when evening [[\strikethrough]]  Left home with Jean at 9.30AM to go to Charlotteville.  It was hot but otherwise a lovely trip.  We thoroughly enjoyed the road[[?]].  Arrived at noon and collected Clara June, Peggy & the Nelson boy & came back via the skyview drive.  Many flowers out