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July 24, 1938 (cont)
home in evening & I mowed the lawn.  It surely needed it.

July 25, 1938 (Mon)
In office all day except for a short trip up town to broadcast for Farm & Home hour.  Home with Leo to dinner.  Francis had a lovely dinner & I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Al & Urik[[?]] came over & the five of us had a swell time.

July 26, 1938. Tues.
In office all day & worked at home all evening.  I finished fixing the closets & birds with dichloricide, and worked a bit on the book.

July 27, 1938.
In office all day.  Went with Carl to dinner & had a swell dinner.  He took me home about 11.00.  We are leaving Saturday morning for Blue Sea Lake.

July 28, 1938.
In office all day again and worked hard to get things in final shape.  Home with Leo again.  Peg Miller was there.  Francis had corn for dinner.  Real golden bantam corn fresh out of the garden.  I haven't tasted such corn in years.

July 29, 1938.
My last day in office.  Had a meeting in Secretary's office about reorganisation, and then went home early to go to bank - get a hair cut etc.  It rained pitch forks & niggerbabies during the afternoon.  Al & we