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Sept 3, 1938
Left at 7.00AM.  Visit Camas refuge.  Sargent driving ahead & developing a fine little refuge.  Lots of ducks present and the W.P.A. work beginning to show.  He wants desperately to get some of the central structures in and working by spring.  From there drove to Pocatello & inspected the plant there.  Good progress made.

Sept 4, 1938.
Left Pocatello at 6.00AM.  Visit Minidoka Refuge.  Saw two of the cut off dams and each area was full of ducks & birds.  Lots of duck foods in these areas.  Then on to Malheur Lake at 9.00PM.

Sept 5, 1938
Over Malheur refuge & discussed various problems with McCaulay at Wash Game Commission & John Scharfe.  Had a long hard day but saw plenty of birds.

Sept 6, 1938
Left Malheur 7.00AM  Saw Dr Hebbard[[?]] and Julian Byrd & came on into Portland arriving at 8.00PM

Sept 7, 1938
In Portland office discussing work with various people.  To dinner at Berry's.  Stayed at dads.

Sept 8, 1938
In office with Lewis Wallace, Jim Savage, Ed Averrill[[?]] etc.