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Dec 23r, 1938.
Worked in the office all day and Clara came down to meet me & then to One train to meet Clara June at 540.  Home to dinner & play with the kids all evening. 
Dec 24, 1938. 
At home all day except for shopping and up town for a short time.  Came home and fixed up tree & in the evening went thru the regular ceremony of the fixing
Dec 25, 1938
At home all morning. Ate too much turkey and things. Went to [[?]] & came home where Clara went to bed with a sick headache. Took the kids & went to Couches, Couches & Days in evening. 
Dec 26, 1938.
At home all day. Seeing company & to Kadderleys for a short time in evening. Then took Clara June to the train and from there to Greens & Leichhardts.
Dec 27, 1938
In office all day and at home in the evening with Clara & kids except for a trip to hospital to see Mitzie and a very brief call on Mrs Lannit. Henry Davis & Mach. came for a while
Dec 38, 1938.
In office all day cleaning up the final mess as far as I was concerned with the Gelham affair. To Colonial Village for a dinner with the Board & had a good time