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Jan 5, 1939.
Same.  Saw Paul Appleby & Secretary Wallace and arranged for an interview with Sec Ickes on Monday.

Jan 6, 1939.
Gilchrist arrived this afternoon.  Plane delayed.  Had a bad case of the jitters and couldn't get much out of him.  Went with the Couches, Days-Crooches etc to surprise Paul Millers.  We certainly surprised them and had a good time.

Jan 7, 1939.
At office all morning & at home for a while in P.M.  Then out to Morleys with four Falls Church couples including ourselves.  Couches, Millers & Days.  Prof Wilson of Blackburg & Dillons there.  Had a wonderful time.  Home at 2.30PM

Jan 8, 1939
Up late & met Don Gilchrist at 11.00AM.  Jean & Iris with us to the Patuxent Research Refuge.  Then home for dinner.  Don much steadier.

Jan 9, 1939.
In office much work.  Spoke to Al Days group of state people.  Saw Sec. Ickes & Renlew[[?]] and was surprised at the ease with which we worked it out.  Got back to office & started [[?]] out on executive orders prints.
Luncheon at Willand[[?]], busy as a bee all afternoon and got call from the White House about the Wild Life Week.  
Up to Cosmos Club to see Carl & Jen[[?]]