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Jan 24, 1939.  This was evening for the White House Reception but we hadn't planned to go & I was glad of it.  Rob[[?]]er & his son Gordon came over for a while to look at birds.

Jan 25, 1939.
In office all day.  Many small things & many papers to go over.  Had a conference with Josh Lee's Sec. yesterday that I forgot to mention.  Saw Senator Gillette today and discussed Lacey Act amendment.  At home in evening.

Jan 26, 1939.
In office all day.  Conference in Sec's office with Lindsey Warren & others.  Lunch with Karl Mundt.  Back to office to clean up.  Home for evening to work on books etc.

Jan 27, 1939.
In office all day again.  The amount of stuff coming in is appalling and the volume seems to grow no less

Jan 28, 1939
At office all morning dictating a new chapter in conservation book.  Guy called from the office but was already on his way home so I couldn't see him

Jan 29, 1939
At home all day, worked some on book and loafed.

Jan 30, 1939
In office again all day.  Many small things but nothing startling.  Went out to Couches & played cards in evening instead of going to Birthday