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Mar 5, 1939
Connecticut Sportsmans League & spoke at banquet.  Took 5.00AM train home, arriving 1.00PM.  Met by Clara, the kids & Dad and Mother [[Speer?]].  Drove around Beltsville & looked over buildings.  Then to Leichhardts for dinner.

Mar 6, 1939
In office all day an exceedingly busy day and had a good evening at home.  Saw Bullard during the day & definitely turned down the prospective job out there.

Mar 7, 1939
In office until 3.00PM when I went home packed the bags - got Frances and Clara & Iris and made 6.00PM boat.  Joined there by Leo, Carl Shoemaker and his wife for a nice evening on the water.

Mar 8, 1939.
Arrived at Norfolk at 8.00AM and traveled to Mattamuskeet via the new Edenton bridge, arriving at 12.30PM.  Looked around over the refuge in afternoon and visited with Salyer & Johnson.  Danced in the evening.

Mar 9, 1939.
About over refuge. [[underline]] 10,000 swan [[/underline]]and a [[underline]]few thousand geese[[/underline]] on refuge.  Carl & Leo took some pictures of refuge & geese.  The crowd left to go back to Washington and after a conference with Salyer, Iris & I left at 2.00PM for Charlestown which we reached at midnight.  Stayed with Blakeys.