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Mar 18, 1939
About Capliva[[?]].  Up to Rheinhart place where the tarpon tagging & studies under Bishop of Yale.  Very interesting program under way.  I caught a good sized Jewfish on way back.

Mar 19, 1939
Left Capliva[[?]] at 8.45 and drove via Orlando; Kissimmee & Jacksonville to Camp Carmelia arriving at 7.30PM.

Mar 20, 1939
Out on Okefenokee refuge to Floyds Island.  Saw lots of Alligators - including one small one so tame that he allowed me to scratch his nose with a short casting rod merely blushing as I did it.  Finally I put the tip of the rod under his chin and scratched.  This was to much.  He rose up - hissed a couple of times & dove into the water.  Saw lots of [[underline]] egrets, great blues - little blues, Night Herons & 10 Cranes. [[\underline]]  Back to Camp Carmelia & to Waycross for dinner with Hopkins & Mr. & Mrs. Johns.  Saw their colored movies[[?]] which were good.

Mar 21, 1939.
Drove to Macon leaving at 8.00AM and picked up Jim Silver.  Got a chance to see equipment shed & new house on Piedmont Refuge and had a nice visit with Fleetwood our new manager.  On into Atlanta at 7.00PM