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April 15, 1939
  Former Senator Henderson of Nev now with        and Col. Eastman of U. S. A. Signal Corp.  Fished a while & caught 8 trout.
April 16, 1939
  Loafed around all morning [[listened?]] to a heated argument on European situation and what we should do about it.  Went home at 100 pm but caught in worst traffic jam I've seen in years.
April 17, 1939.
  In office all day. Had a hectic day getting ready for hearing etc.
April 18, 1939.
  Hearings before Senate appropriations Committee this P.M. [[Funniest?]] hearing, ever.  Had only one item to present but various Senators ask questions to show the need for more work in research, law enforcement, predator work, Pittman [[Popilson?]] etc.
April 19, 1939
  In office also to Sec.s office in afternoon to see what could be done about presenting Department suggestions to the President on reorganization 
April 20, 1939.
  Busy day. Went on hill about appropriation items in bill & saw McNary & Pittman