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April 27, 1939
Same as before but my desk is clear tonight of everything.  Stayed at home but too tired to work much.

April 28, 1939.
In office all day.  Went to Isaac Walton dinner at Columbia Country Club in evening.  It was a more enjoyable occasion than such things usually are.

April 29, 1939.
In office all morning.  Rained all afternoon so I loafed.  Hays, Gatler[[?]], Millers, Rutherfords and Clara & I to the Lotus for a while in evening fine time.

April 30, 1939.
At home all day.  Mowed lawn (back part twice), clipped edges, pulled weeds, trimmed shrubs etc all morning.  Planned to go to Beltsville but car broke down.

May 1, 1939.
In office again all day & had a hectic day.  A million small things & no large ones.  Home in evening & went for a short ride with Clara.

May 2, 1939.
Same only more so, worked about house [[strikethrough]] Period from May 2 to May [[\strikethrough]] in the evening & did a little writing.

May 3, 1939
Same as above

May 4, 1939.
Another day.  A million (more or less) small matters to discuss