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May 18, 1939 cont.
Back to town to collect C.J. took them to dinner & to the Hellzapoppin show.  It was a scream in places.  Took 12.50AM train home.

May 19, 1939.
Arr Wash at 7.15 & went home for a bath.  Back to office and worked all day clearing off my desk.  Henderson & Dillon have been having a lot of talks with people over there and think we will be pretty well treated.  Cleared desk completely.

May 20, 1939
At office all morning and kept very busy.  Didn't get away until late in afternoon because of a lot of work.

May 21, 1939
At home.  Worked in yard & on various matters.

May 22, 1939
At office all day working with Henderson & others.  Had an exceedingly hectic day because of leaving tonight.  Lv. home 10.45 Seaboard.

May 23, 1939
Arrive Rockingham at 8.30AM.  Breakfast with Chalk and then to Black River where wet met Cory Ford & Alistair McBain.  Fished in Black river in evening and again next day.  Caught a few of the famous 'Robin Redbreasts' in evening.  Spend evening talking to Ford, McBain & Chalk.