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June 11, 1939
Up early and out to Des Lacs.  Every unit is filled and the older & vegetated units are full of birds.  There as everywhere else so far on the trip.  [[underline]] Canvasback & Redheads[[/underline]] are a very conspicuous part of the fauna.  Much more so than in previous years.  In one unit (either 5 or 6) Canvasbacks were the most abundant species.  From headquarters we went with Low along upper lake and I saw more newly hatched broods than anywhere else on the trip.  Birds fairly swarmed along the shores of this lake.  [[underline]] Pintails[[/underline]] far outnumbered others but I saw numerous broods of [[underline]] mallards[[/underline]] & a few [[underline]] shovellers.[[/underline]]
At noon went to the picnic lunch at our picnic grounds.  This is a very credible job & will be fine when finished.  The fireplace in the shelter is particularly nice.  Then to meeting in afternoon where I talked to about 200 people.  Had a little meeting of personel and then to the banquet & meeting in evening.

June 12, 1939
Up at 6.00 and with Leo Laythe and [[?]] out to Lostwood Lake.  More water than I had previously seen there & every puddle had its quota of broods of [[underline]] pintails[[/underline]] hatched.  A long narrow lake known as "Elbow Lake" which was dry last year is fine and full of young birds.  Again [[underline]] redheads & "cans" [[/underline]] were conspicuous.  Vegetation has recovered astonishingly well