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June 18, 1939 (cont)
Dill will have a beautiful spot to see his area.  I think that when developed this area will be next to Red Rock Lakes in beauty.  Saw numbers of [[underline]] Sandhill cranes[[\underline]] including 3 pair with young.  As we returned up the valley an old crane flushed from the sage within twenty feet of the car.  One young one shooed it off down the slope toward the water but if any others were with her they hid so effectively that we couldn't find them.  Evidently they were feeding on the abundant mormon crickets.  Drove on into Reno and the three of us looked into the gambling clubs for a few minutes.  I didn't break my record for not spending and money in the dumps.  They still have my first nickel to get.

June 19, 1939.
Arose early and reached Berkeley shortly after noon.  Attended meeting of fellows in afternoon and meeting of fellows & members in evening.

June 20, 1939.
Attended meetings of A.O.U. and visited with many folks. Went to evening feed at Museum.

June 21, 1939.
At meetings in morning.  Radio talk over Farm & Home Hour and speak at meeting of A.O.U.