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June 22, 1939.
Meeting of A.O.U. at Cal. Ac. of Science in S.F. Over there all day.  Had dinner with Cy Briggs at his home in Berkeley.

June 23,, 1939.
Lv. with Horn for trip to Monterey and drop in at [[?]] Assn meeting for a while.  Speak briefly and then over to Madera at 10.00PM.

June 24, 1939.
Look over work on the San Joaquin Range Ex Station with Horn & Fitch.

June 25, 1939
Visit a bit with Fitch & Nelson.  This is really a fine job Fitch is doing.  He is carrying on the most intensive study of rodent populations I've seen yet.
Leave here and go to S.F. when at the Whitcomb hotel we met a group of Crouches men for a short conference.

June 26, 1939.
At Crouches conference again and about the Whitcomb hotel. Met Tod Powell and he kept me awake most of the night.  Had luncheon one day last week with Coleman and Harry [[Laufman?]] of Del. and arrived at a better understanding with them.

June 27, 1939.
About meeting of our men today and had good visits with a number