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Sept 15, 1939 cont)
  After going over this it seems evident that we must take some positive action or get wet.  Swartz had done a good P.R. job we should do the following
1  Fence 1500-2000 acres of the critical starvation flats area for deer to save the winter browse for next year.
2 - Aquire some private lands so that we can develop water areas maybe a thousand acres.  Buy out lands which have grazing rights there.
3.  Work out deer management program with states
4.  Lease railroad lands and buy county lands now available.  If we don't state may get county lands.  See that state don't get Federal lands at [[Lindabohm??]] until we get these.  [[Balk?]] Swartz to [[lund?]] state game dept trying to make trouble.  Left at 200 PM drove to Spokane & saw Tom Lally.  Told him I was disappointed in attitude of state game dept.  drove to Turnbull where I went out with John [[Arrieres?]] and Dr. Bernard.  On to Pullway that night.

Sept 16, 1939
  Conference with Dr. Holland & others whom I told frankly I was not interested in putting a cooperative station in here unless game people really wanted us & that I now had a feeling that we were not wanted & that I wouldn't put a dollar in.  No matter how