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Sept 22, 1939. (cont.) in and a few [[wulterns?]] mallards and pintails.  Lots of local birds.  Saw new east side canal - Bocca lake development etc.  Saw 4 coyotes & about 20 deer during insp.  Henderson called about  Montana development.

Sept 23, 1939
  Left French Glen at 700 AM to Hart Mt.  Spent balance of day on Hart Mt looking at range - proposed water developments - spot where sheep are to be released.  Not very dry but forage in good condition.

Sept 24, 1939.
  Looked over Hart Bur development - etc. including Sec 18 area which Bruson wishes to purchase.  He want Duck Circle ranch - Steve Green place & sec 18 which will then control all water available in area.  State is anxious to sell their lands up there.  Perhaps we can use this & RB ranch to help get an appropriation out of these congress next year.
  Saw two bands of antelope with 300-400 in band lots of deer - including a goodly number of bucks, some of them with wonderful heads.  Saw 4 coyotes. [[strikethrough]] Sept 25, 1939. [[/strikethrough]] Drove to Chas Sheldon.

Sept 25, 1939.
  Spent day at Chas Sheldon.  Saw 6 coyotes. not so many antelope lots of sage hens.  Looked over north eastern corner of refuge and badger net country.  Latter fine deer country & saw numbers of them. [[Causey?]] has devoted most of energy to road to