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Oct 27, 1939
Lv. N.Y. 12.50AM arr Wash 7.30AM.  Office work all day.  At home in evening.

Oct 28, 1939
At home with family after office in AM.

Oct 29, 1939
Out with Clara & kids all day  took 9.00PM train

Oct 30, 1939.  Arr Boston 7.35AM spent day in Boston office & with Duffenback[[?]], Salyer etc conferring with Hornblowers.  Lv. Boston 9.00PM

Oct 31, 1939
Arr Washington 7.35AM.  In office all day.  Clara down for a visit at noon.  Took 6.00PM boat to Norfolk with Elmer, Crouch & Cruickshank.

Nov 1, 1939
Spend day on back bay refuge until 3.00PM.  Saw [[underline]] 10,000 or more Canada Geese, a few swans, two snow geese,[[\underline]] lots of ducks, 2 or 3 bald eagles, a [[underline]] duck hawk[[\underline]] etc.  Found a fine area.  Sand fence development is well underway.  Drove to Mattamuskeet Lodge at 8.00PM.

Nov 2, 1939.  Spend day at Mattamuskeet with the bunch.  Talked to the crowd in the morning & in afternoon went over the lake area with Johnson.  Found lots of geese - a few scaup & numerous ducks.  Lots more feed than last year.  Lv. with Willie Gray Cohorn then drove me to Arlson[[?]] where I caught a train at midnight.