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Dec 7, 1939 (cont)
  evening to about 200 peoplex  Geo. Leheman here & spoke also.  Took 100 AM train out of Albany.

Dec 8, 1939
  Arv N.Y. 630 AM.  Go to hotel & rest. Speak at noon to Sporting Arms & Institute directors and spent the afternoon answering their questions.  Dinner with C.J. and took midnight train home.

Dec 9, 1939.
  Arv Washington 730 AM.  To office and look over accumulated mail.

Dec 10, 1939.
  Out to Beltsville to look around some.  They are making good progress on the buildings & planes.

Dec 11, 1939
  In office and spent a full day there coming home in evening to work on the books.

Dec 12, 1939 - Dec 16, 1939
  In office general office work.  One of the most quiet periods found in the years I've been on the job.  Had a chance to catch up with many things and put in some time on things that have been hanging fire.  Read reports on the regional office check ups & went over material with division chiefs.

Dec 17, 1939.
  Worked in the house all day on the book.

Dec 18, 1939
  In office.  Conferences with various people both inside & outside the bureau.

Dec 19, 1939. Conferred with various people and succeeded in working out various matters.