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[[preprinted]] 0014 [[/preprinted]]

Sept. 19. with Bridge

Left Washington 5:45 on Capitol Limited

September 23

[[strikethrough]] Send JS Williams paper on Beauforth Butte fish by H.L. Bryant. [[/strikethrough]]

 1. Forks of Logan Canyon about 5300' on nose. Fossils from 25' above [[strikethrough]] thin bedded limestone[[/strikethrough]] heavy-bedded Garden City limestone (top). Fossils from 25 - 40' above this heavy ledge contain Anomalorthis, Syntrophopsis. These are lower Swan Peak and seem transitional to the Garden City.

 2. Very top of Garden City at ① Heavy massive ledge with Hesperonomiella

  In afternoon, right South Fork of Blacksmith Fork, up ridge [[erasure]] [[?]] [[/erasure]] opposite benchmark 5149. Over for section No. 3.


[[line]] [[faint writing]]

Transcription Notes:
He's finding Lamp Shell fossils.