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[[preprinted]] 0019 [[/preprinted]] October 8 Visited ridge east of Frenchman Flat. Mottled zone lies above heavy-bedded limestone, is probably about 150 feet thick. Consists of fairly thin-bedded limestone teeming with silicified brachiopods Above brachs comes thick bed of massive limestone perhaps 200 feet thick crowded with [[underlined]] Maclurites [[/underlined]] and large [[underlined]] Receptaculites [[/underlined]] in the lower part and [[underlined]] Mitrospira [[/underlined]] above. Above this rocks are poorly fossilferous About 5' below Eureka quartzite occurs Orthis and silicified bryozoa suggesting [[underlined]] Anomalorthis [[/underlined]] zone. Eureka consists of a thin quartzite followed by limestone, then a thick bed of quartzite. The limestone band between the quartzites contained poorly corals suggesting [[underlined]] Favosites [[/underlined]]. [[image in left margin, soil profile: three soil layers. No caption in first, caption "Mitrospira Receptaculites" in second, caption "Orthidella" in third]] Brachiopod bed is exposed on south side of a canyon and along the cliff facing west on the south side of the canyon. The spur forming south wall of canyon is offset from main cliff with dip SW and small isolated mass exposing only brachiopod bed and Receptaculites bed. On north wall canyon dips are to SE.