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[[stamped]] 0852 [[/stamped]]

Sept 6

Letter to R.C.M. about treatise status, word from Williams, etc.

Moline (1 mi NE)
Borrow pit at [[insertion]] ^ Just W [[/insertion]] junction 99 & 160
just N of RR just W estion
11-31S-10E, Elk Co.


[[image: map]]
[[map labels]]
VS 160
Sec 11 -
K 99
[[/map labels]]

Quarry at Leocompton for Kereford
[[image: map]] 
[[map label]] Leocompton [[/map label]]

Upper part is Kereford
Look for Poikilosakos

Adams Qy at Midland - one mile west quarry in Oread. for [[underlined]] Poikilosobos [[/underlined]]