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Sept. 3. 

All day on Lone Mtn. 

In morning worked on Oral which is on West side Mtn under a bluff of Eureka quartzite. The section is not very fossilferous. Lower beds contain Girvanella, The Girvanella spans a considerable interval and also contains Pallisana and Receptaculites

Anomalorthis comes in below Desmorthis (200'?). The Desmorthis bad is 1-1 1/2' thick and occurs about 200'? below the Eureka. Exposures are very poor above Desmorthis but I did not see Anomalorthis above it. 

Beds above Desmorthis, and Desmorthis bed are packed with Ostracodes. Above Desmorthis they are very large. Bathyurid trilobites were also seen.