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Sept. 4 Morning went to N end Martins Ridge. Sept 4. - two small knobs a mile S of N end of Martins Ridge contains a long section of Antelope Valley fm. Top of first knob produced 2 brachs. Top of 2nd knob produced Anomalorthis. On back slope of second knob and from 0-10' below the first quartzite Rube found a peculiar fauna which seems to have Valcourea plectambonitids and what looked like [[underlined]] Desmorthis [[/underlined]]. To the SW of this hill and about 0.4 mile SSE of 7427 came slopes with Copenhagen fm. Lower yellow part I would guess about 100' thick with Sowerbyites and other fossils. Upper slopes of a gully contained the Oxoplesia forma. In lower part was Leptellina, followed by lumpy ls. with Isoteloids. This was followed by Oxoplesia - Plectonithis - Eoplectodonta - Christiania. Near top came Reuschella but whole section not there.
Transcription Notes:
It's Eoplectodonta