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Sept.7 Left Eureka, went across Monitor Range,past Potts to Mill Canyon (Wildcat Peak [[image of square]]). Here we saw thrust plates with Pogonip, Copenhagen. Copenhagen yellow platy ls of Pogonip type with [[underline]] Bimuria [[/underline]] upper Pogonip with Cryptolithoides Ampyxina and Robeigia. After collecting came in to Austin for the night. Sept. 8 Spent all day in Ikes Canyon. Saw entire section. O. minuscula under sponge beds has a Toquimia-like shell. Between Rhysostrophia & Leptellina occurs plectambonitids. Leptellina zone has Pleurorthis. Went to Tonopah for night.
Transcription Notes:
ls= limestone [Rosanne Johnson]