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[[margin]] 18 [[/margin]]
May 25

Central Stone Co Qy has 16' of "Callaway" overlying Kimmswick limestone which is the quarry rock.
W 1/2 sect 11
about 1/4 mile above bridge and going upstream about 1'. platy dove limestone

310 paces about 5-6' of rock exposed for 160 paces. 40 paces still farther upstream 4' more are exposed. First five feet hard nodular gray, smooth ls. Small waterfall 
over blocky, pitted brown gray rock heavy bedded making a thick ledge
Thus the end of the outcrop is at 500 paces.  Here are 3' of hard brown nodular massive but no fossils.
500-864 covered
814 - 1' of nodular pitted hard ls.
[[margin]] 814-920 [[/margin]] 
865 - About 3' shaly ls. cet 885 This is capped by 2-3' rotted brown, fine dolomitic sand.
[[margin]] [[image of two layers with labels as follows]]
Punky ls. 5'
Hard ls 3' [[/margin]]
At 920 are about 5' of this punky rock which when fresh is hard shaly ls. Top of hard bed below punky bed has branching stroms.