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[[left margin - circled]] 37 [[/circled]]
381 b[[/left margin]]
6686 - Reentrant in Mo. River bluffs - entered on east side and encountered Ordovician low in the bluff. On east side the Ord is directly overlain by Chouteau. We saw no Devonian. A short distance west in another ravine a few inches of ss were seen above the Ord. The ss contained Favosites. The ss lies on flat-bedded dolomite as in quarry. About 5' above the ss is a ledge of 1' of hard gray (dark) ls which looks like Calloway. This immediately followed by Chouteau with Shumardella. The Devonian is thus about 6' thick but the identification of all but ss is questionable
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3' E
20" C
3' B
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Next gully west has 10" [[insertion]] with small pebbles [[/insertion]] of ss and about 4' of Devonian lithology overlain by Chouteau. 
Tracing to bluff looking at the RR about in center of reentrant we have a fair section of Devonian
B-3 feet of limy sandstone in a hard ledge that juts out on the slope.
C- 20 inches of thin bedded shaly limestone becoming