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[[left margin circle]] 42 [[/left margin]]
The beds in the cut (RR) where we collect do not appear in the Hy cut but may be on the flank of a big hump. The Hy cut slopes steeply toward the east and probably underlies the fossil beds. Shale at the N end of the RR cut is probably Jeff City
At the RR cut we have the following section
A-massive gray, [[hackley?]] fracturing ls with Stropheodonta at top. Lithologically variable
B-10" single band like that below
C-Shaly band hard in middle but soft on top & bottom 7"-a coquina of Stropheodonta in places
D-Massive limestone with irregular fracture packed with fossils
E-Shaly ls packed with fossils a probable 2-3' more
[[Image in left margin shows strata from bottom to top: 4 1/2'A; 10"B; 7"C; 31"D;E. B,C,D strata bracketed with line drawn to "6689"]]