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[[underline]] 1892 [[/underline]]
[[underline]] November 24. - continued [[/underline]]
The same party named on the preceding page visited Anacostia and re-examined much of that region, proceeding up the Stickfoot Run from the railroad. The exposures of lignite bearing blue clay at the old locality are much improved and the mottled clay appears overlying the blue on the left bank and up the slope. We definitively referred the exposure on the east side of the road to the Lafayette, the flecks and pellets of clay being out of the Potomac. Another important conclusion reached was that the 3-5 feet of yellow sand overlying the Potomac clay and underlying the ledges of cemented Lafayette gravel farther up the run does not belong to the Lafayette but is the representative at that point of the upper Potomac sands (Albirupean) which comes in so heavily farther up the run and on the surrounding hills. 
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We found the largest section of these latter, several times before examined by one and lying east of Mr. Williams's place (the colored minister whom I once before met there) to be overlain by some 8 or 10 feet of marine Tertiary, perhaps all Chesapeake but having a few inches of greensand at its base which may represent the Pamunkey. The section on Mr. Hunter's land was also examined. From here the thickness of the sand below to its contact with the red clay can be estimated as seen in the field below. Putting all together the vertical thickness of the white sands from the top of the clays to the Tertiary must be about 50 or 60 feet.
Passing over the hill by Fort Stanton we proceeded to the Good Hope road striking it at the brick yard. Here brick is made of the Columbia brick clay and in getting it they scrape the Potomac vein on clay floor