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[[underlined]] 1892 
November 24. - Continued. [[/underlined]]
We had the great fortune to rediscover the Pamunky bone-bed on the Good Hope road. It is just above the curve in the road in going up from the last named point. The gutter has been washed but laying it bare again. Some four feet of it are eclipsed below the road bed. It is overlain by the Chesapeake 20 feet in thickness, and fine contacts were obtained.
Recent excavations along the road from Good Hope to the new bridge have created magnificent exposures of LaFayette resting on the Miocene. This in turn rests on the Potomac sand and these on the clays and all these contacts are visible in going down the hill to the north. We took one of the new cut roads that strikes Pa. Ave. Extended pretty well up 
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the hill. The material here cut through is very puzzling. It is not typical Potomac clay, but is mottled and streaked like the nondescript material seen in some other places. It also has suspicious veins of pebbles suggesting Columbia. 
We went up the Avenue to the plant bed. They have been clearing away the sloughing and exposed the south side again, especially below. Here the Potomac clay grades off insensibly with sand of the same red color, showing that there is not always unconformity between them. We found clay seams but no plants, as it was late and we were in a hurry. They have now cut nearly through the hill and got out of the Potomac and Chesapeake into the Lafayette gravels.

Transcription Notes:
[[Parmnsky?]] bone-bed - can't find reference to it. Editing further along it is written more clearly & is Pamunky. Possible misspelling of Pamunkey? Have left original spelling of course - @siobhanleachman